Daily Lectionary Reading for Year A
I took a week off from writing and reflecting on our Daily Lectionary. Annual Conference was online this year. 2,500 United Methodists from around the state of Michigan gathered via Zoom in worship and celebration, prayer and trust that God would see us through this time. Then came the final preparations for our first in-person worship at Wesley Park. The Joshua Task Force has worked so hard to think through and act on all the ways to gather safely. The burden of responsibility on the whole Task Force is heavy. This virus is serious business. I am thankful we were able to worship in the FLC together. Everyone did great following the safety precautions. Despite a few technical difficulties, it was quite a day of worship. Thank you all! I took a week off and come back today and low and behold. Someone is chasing Jacob. :) Last time it was his brother Esau. Today it is his father-in-law, Laban. The quick back story is that Jacob fell in love with Laban's daughter Rachel and asked to marry her. Laban said yes, only after Jacob worked for him for seven years. When the seven years were up, there was a big wedding. After the vows were said and Jacob lifted the veil, he realized Laban had tricked him into marrying his other daughter, Leah, not Rachel. Laban pulled the old switcheroo. Jacob said, "Hey! That's not fair! I wanted to marry Rachel!" So Laban said, "Ok, just work for me for another seven years." We pick up the story with Jacob having not one but two wives, leaving town to return to Israel. Have you ever been tricked? Lied to? Deceived? Bamboozled? Maybe someone sold you a used car and you ended up with a lemon. It hurts to be taken advantage of. Could this kind of deception be a factor in the sin of racism? Promises are made to change the way we treat one another. Rarely are those promises kept. Soon, fourteen years have passed and those who have been wronged are questioned why they are angry. How do you think this kind of hurt could be healed? As the story continues, I wonder who will pursue Jacob next and seek answers for the graven images hiding in Rachel's tent? Peace, Dean
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REv. Dean N. PrentissI am blessed to be the Pastor at Wesley Park UMC. Find Daily Lectionary Readings Here. Archives
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