Daily Lectionary Readings for Year A (I apologize for any delay in getting this reflection out. Worship preparation is fun but complicated. I hope you will be able to tune in Sunday at 10 am. The taped service, with beautiful music and special helpers will broadcast live so that you can chat with one another as you worship.) I wish that we did not have this coronavirus threat and our time of social isolation. But, if we are going to have it I am glad that it is happening in the season of Lent. These days call us to reflect upon our mortality, to confess our sins, to be forgiven, and to journey with Christ in the wilderness. The scripture readings for today talk about our iniquities and our sins. They also paint a picture of God's redemption of the world with the formation of the kingdom of heaven. Suffering is no longer theoretical. People are suffering from the coronavirus. Perhaps we pay the closest attention when it is a relation or a celebrity. When Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson announced they had the coronavirus, it was shocking. It brought it close and made it real. Then, NBA players were getting sick. This week, Prince Charles found out he has the coronavirus as well as many members of congress, police officers, firefighters, doctors, nurses, caregivers, etc.. Three days ago, Jackson Browne announced that he, too, has the coronavirus. Jackson Browne was one of my brother's favorite artists. Because I adore my brother, he became one of my favorite artists, too. He wrote his song "These Days" when he was 16 years old. I imagine Matthew Prado walking around town carrying his guitar on his back, strumming along to the thoughts in his head. I picture Matt letting notes form and change and grow into something that has never existed before. It's incredible to me. This line Jackson Browne wrote when he was just a kid always hit so close to my heart. "Don't confront me with my failures; I had not forgotten them." I think I tend to categorize sin as my failures. But maybe there is so much more to ponder. Lent is our season to consider how we live and what we do and how we grow. These days, maybe we can receive the forgiveness that Christ can offer and then walk by his side. Maybe throw a guitar over our shoulder. Maybe dream, and play, and know that we are loved. Here we are, where we need to be these days. We are in the midst of Lent. Allow God to set you free and be loved. Peace, Dean
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REv. Dean N. PrentissI am blessed to be the Pastor at Wesley Park UMC. Find Daily Lectionary Readings Here. Archives
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